Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Triggerless YOU that Does not NOTICE what others THINK in any way.

What would the version of YOU that is NOT Triggered by what other people think of you, your actions, YOU in any way look like?  Imagine a version of you that is not Triggered by what your community, your friends, your family, your peers think of you or ANYTHING about you, who you are or what you do.

Feel the Triggerless YOU.  

Let yourself IMAGINE what it is like to be TRIGGERLESS.

Imagine NOT having any triggers whatsoever in regard to what anyone thinks of you. Imagine a you completely oblivious to what others think. And by others I mean ANYONE, anyone at all, period.

Can you imagine a version of you that does not even NOTICE what others think of you in ANY way?

Can you imagine a Version of YOU that NEEDS no Validation in ANY way?

Check Out this Video

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Nibiru is the SUN of Righteousness. 

Nibiru / Planet X is not going to Impact Earth nor cause destruction. Science, Physics here on Earth don't know so SO much, they will be learning lot's more as we move along. 

Nibiru will merge with Earth. 

Earth is Sophia, the Mother Goddess, Feminine Divine. Nibiru is the Christ Consciousness, Father, Masculine Divine.  The Consciousness will Merge. It is shown to me that yes we will hit, be affected by the energy field, quantum field and planet of what Earthlings Call Nibiru or Planet X, however, we will then merge, there will be LOVE, Cleansing, Healing, Wholeness and Not Destruction.
The Dark Cabal, our controllers, our enslavers, will be moved to "Elsewhere" and Heaven as in our stories, Peace and True Freedom as in the longing of our Hearts, will be our Reality. Time, Money, Power, War, Greed, Taxes, Big Pharma, Military, Corruption, will NO longer be in our Reality.
Nibiru / Planet X is the Christ Consciousness, wings and all Changing the resonance, the consciousness of Mother Earth and all her people, plants and animals. Awakening all Purging truth.

Earth is Sophia, the 8th Sister of the Pleiades. Nibiru is Jesus, Archangel Michael, the Christ Consciousness Returning. We are awakening, the Truth is being shown, the Darkness is being Purges. Love WON. Light WON. We are Ascending Now, on Mother Earth, all of Us.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

POPE FRANCIS at Independence Hall on the Topic of Globalization. Protect and Defend the Rights of the Individual

POPE FRANCIS at Independence Hall

"We live in a time subject to the Globalization of the Technocratic Paradigm, Which consciously aims at a One Dimensional Uniformity and seeks to Eliminate all differences and Traditions in a superficial quest for Unity.  .. "Religions thus have the right and the duty to make clear that it is possible to build a society where a healthy pluralism which truly respects differences and values them as such is a precious ally in the commitment to defending human dignity and a path to peace in our troubled world. In our world so harmed by war. "


Pope Francis said about Globalization summarized that in theory it's a good thing, as long as it preserves the individual people and culture and our differences and is not done in a way to attempt to make us all conform to the same. I think that's a good then and I agree.

Diversity and Individual Rights, Equal Rights must be retained as we move toward being one world, as the Internet is drawing us to be and the environment ( Mother Earth, Goddess Gaia) is calling for the attention of the ENTIRE world as one.

I Agree with Pope Francis on this Topic

Reverend Crystal Cox, Pagan Pastor, Shaman Priestess of Mother Goddess Church


Goddess Bless YOU